Teacher Quotes

Below we provide some quotes from teachers and other education professionals who have taken part in VoicED surveys. All quotes have been volunteered and, where requested, we have respected the individual's right to privacy.

"VoicED fulfils a valuable role in obtaining independent views on the key issues affecting the education sector in order to help change and shape the agenda going forward. Their survey was easy to complete and the more people who engage, the more powerful our voice as education professionals."
Brian Bradley, Vice-Chair of Governors, Stockport College

"Completing the research questionnaire wasn't at all difficult, and as it concerned education it was obviously of great interest to me. I always read anything that is sent to me regarding education; it's the way to discover and learn new innovations, teaching and learning resources as well as making contact with other educationalists through networking. So, to win a prize for completing something so easy and relevant is an added bonus to me! I am overjoyed to win this tablet, as I said previously, I have never ever won anything before and I firmly believed that these 'prize draws' did not exist! I am pleased to be proven wrong!"
Mrs S. Fleet, Ormiston Horizon Academy

"WOW - I never usually win anything bigger than a box of chocolates! The survey was really easy to complete - a fact that was enhanced by the fact that my views were going to be used to shape policy! I'll be sure to tell all my colleagues about this and future surveys!"
Mr Mussell, Headteacher, Christ the King RC Primary

"The survey was quick and easy to complete. I'm hoping the results of the surveys make it to those people who need to see them! (The Government)."
Mr Wills, PE Teacher, South Gloucestershire

"I am delighted to have been selected as a winner and am always keen to complete surveys when time allows as it is a way to ensure my views and experiences are taken into account. In the current climate of so many rapid changes in education it is nice to think that my voice may be heard."
Mr. Thomas, Science Teacher & STEM Club Co-oridnator, Bungay High School

"It was beneficial to have the opportunity to give an honest opinion anonymously about my feelings towards inspections. All too often there is a disparity between what you really want to say and what you know it is best to say (for the benefit of the school and towards a positive outcome) when undergoing an inspection."

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